All classes at Fieldhead Carr have an 'Investors in Pupils' target. Older children in school set their own targets to achieve personal success in a specific area of the curriculum. In FS1, we agree on a whole class target for all of the children to aim for. All the children who achieve this target are rewarded with stickers and certificates. Our first target was to 'Tidy away our toys' which many children are now achieving. Our new target is 'To put our own coats on'
Here is one of our children demonstrating how it can be done.
It's easier if you've got a hood. You can put it on your head while you get your arms in.
Once you've got one arm in, hold on to your coat while you get your other arm in. |
Once both arms are in your sleeves, you can then have a try at doing up your zip or buttons. |
Hey Presto!! Expertly done. "I did it all by myself" |
A special certificate to take home to show my family. |
FS1's 'Investors In Pupils' display. When you've achieved your target, you get to put your busy bee in the honey pot!
Look how many children are in there already after just one day! |
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Target achieved. Well done!!
Keep practising over half term. Let's see how many busy bees can jump into the honey pot when we come back.